How to make your relationship work ?So you want your relationship to flourish? But what do you do? What gives you the best chance? Simply put, don’t keep the good parts of your relationship a secret. Make certain you’re aware of every enjoyable aspect yourself. Be sure to let your partner know what’s working.
Most relationships need a little romance. New relationships are often awash with it but more established relationships sometimes get a little parched from lack of romance. So start looking for your opportunities to be sure your partner feels really loved. Birthdays, anniversaries or Valentine’s day are ready-made events. Feel free to create occasions of your own to celebrate your relationship.
Tips for handling financial pressures in relationshipsRelationships can be challenging to navigate unless you have clear discussions and boundaries about how money is spent - especially when there is only one income earner.
How do you know when your relationship is in serious trouble? Is it the amount of fighting that tells you? The lipstick on your partner’s collar? Or your ongoing sense of disappointment and boredom?
Get into the giving spirit and make some miracles for your loved ones.
It’s the perfect time of year for miracles. Never mind the incredible tension of people and gifts and events sardined into a few short days. Warm up on Christmas spirit. Breathe in the wonderful possibilities the New Year offers. A fresh start counts as a miracle every time. You’ve heard about oiling the squeaky wheel? It’s often a pretty fair description of how we approach our close relationships, taking the bits we like for granted and dwelling on the bits that don’t suit us so well. Have you ever wondered how different life might be if you spent more time enjoying the good things in relationships and less time chewing over the problems?
Building a ‘Good Relationship’ storyHearing about an event from a really good storyteller can feel more exciting than being there yourself. And if you were there you start to wonder how come the storyteller had so much more fun than you did? It’s about what you choose to notice and how much weight you give to things. The good storyteller has got into the habit of noticing the aspects of a situation that make for humour or excitement. The act of noticing helps the storyteller to feel the excitement more, and to remember it.
Talking up the good stuffWhen someone compliments you, is your first thought, “What do they want?
”If you feel surprise and maybe a touch of suspicion when the people close to you let you know they like you or they admire what you do, it could be time to take stock of your assumptions Change-friendly RelationshipsWhen your nearest and dearest is struggling to change, is it their successes you notice, or their failures? Is there anyone out there who hasn’t tried to change? Who hasn’t been on a diet or given up smoking? Who hasn’t resolved to keep their temper, or to stick up for themselves better, or to be kinder, or firmer, or more outgoing?
Gang up on your problems, not your partnerDo you and your partner have the same argument time and time again.? Are you tired enough of doing it that way to try doing something else? You can probably predict the situations that set your argument in motion. Maybe it always happens when your parents visit, or when your partner drinks, or takes up a new interest. Maybe you’re thinking that if you just avoid those situations, everything will be hunky-dory.
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